Some Clarity About Marriage!

Love and Sex are not the same.

That may seem obvious to most, but there is an incessant bludgeoning of simple truth that seeks to redefine the obvious and make those who stand upon ancient and tested reality feel guilty for doing so.  Real Christians need to be “as wise as serpents….”

For multiple generations, in western biblical-based society, marriage has stood as a commitment between a man and a woman.  That commitment sanctified sexual intimacy and provided the framework for conceiving and raising children.  Everything else was seen as aberrant, and those who tossed aside the norm were the exception that proved the accepted rule.  Now concerted efforts, well funded and framed by those skilled in cultural manipulation, are aimed at redefining marriage by confusing love and sex.  If they succeed, it will be to the detriment of all living and loving beings.

Because of space we will go quickly. First, it is possible for a man and woman to love and never engage in sexual intimacy.  This self-restraint and sacrifice, for whatever reason, and because it is not the norm, may add a note of nobility to their relationship that otherwise would never be there.  Of course, it is possible for a man and woman to engage in sex where no love exists. Marriage as we have understood it can be harmed or enhanced by either of these situations, but it is not defined by them.

Brothers and sisters can love one another without sexual gratification.  In fact, it is considered taboo in our society.  Adults can love children without sexual contact, which as you must know is so culturally repugnant it is illegal.  This is as it should be.  Men can love men and women love women as David’s soul was knit to Jonathon’s, not as a preamble to the expression of sexual urges, but because the heart of the other is lovely and high and wonderful.  Love and sex are not the same.

Marriage has always been about sex.  When some cheerleader for social upheaval purports that people should be free to love whom they please, they are talking about sex, not love.  They are talking not about the high and holy intertwining of hearts but about unnatural practices.  This attempt to redefine marriage is ruinous to our understanding of love, that Godly affection that causes one to sacrifice their desires, even life, for the other.

Because love and sex are not the same, I can love my dog and not be married to him.