God alone shall have our trust!

A call to Christians on Patriot’s Day!

First, let’s quickly tackle the concept that religion and government don’t mix. Government in its most basic form is an agreement between neighbors on how to best get along.  Agreements without morality are useless.  They will not be kept, and they cannot be enforced.   Further, morality must be based on something higher than human conception or it will degenerate into whose ideal of morality is best.

The Founders understood this when they framed this country.  Four times God is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence.  He is mentioned as Lawmaker, “laws of Nature and Nature’s God”; Creator, “endowed by their Creator”; Supreme Judge, “appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world”; and Protector, “reliance on the protection of Divine Providence”.

These are not cheap uses of religion to garner favor with the simple, but statements of fact based on the Judeo/Christian faith the colonies and Great Britain both held.  The Founders were saying we answer to God, your God, not a king.

Unlike the Colonies, we have the opportunity to express ourselves with the ballot.  It is our solemn duty, purchased with the blood of patriots, to use that ballot to protect our liberties and our faith.  Remember, the Founders believed liberty was an endowment from God, not a privilege received from a king or government.  If you believe that, then your duty before God is to protect the liberty of which you are a steward.

The popular concept today is to depend upon government of one form or another rather than to depend upon God.  Do not be deceived into thinking that an all-providing government can co-exist with the God of the Bible.  Repeatedly throughout scripture, we are warned against placing our trust, our faith, or our hope on any person or thing.  The Creator God is the only One worthy of our devotion.  As believers we must not yield in this either by coercion or force.

This great experiment of freedom and self-government rests in our hands. There is no time to be neutral; it is too late for that.  We must regain the spirit of the Founders or lose our liberty.  The momentum of big government must be stopped.  We must reject a gospel that focuses on our temporal needs and follow the Lord in selflessness and sacrifice.  Our churches must raise the call for Godly, Christian citizens.  Before God, I pray we will all pledge to pass to our children an America not bound with an intrusive and overburdening government, but an America with greater freedom than we received.   Be it so, Lord Jesus.

2 thoughts on “God alone shall have our trust!”

  1. This is an excellent article and will share with others including my family. Very well written and the content was very good. I recommend everyone read it. Thanks,

  2. Thank you for taking/making the time to write such an article. I applaud the effort and will work too share it with others.

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