Engaged, Involved or Doomed!

As you may know, since the SandyHook murders there has been a call for stringent gun control.  I have included part of an email from Tom Gresham below that will explain what you can do to make a difference in this issue and the future of our country.  THIS IS NOT JUST ABOUT GUNS! Though guns are important, the freedom they represent is more important.  You may remember the quote about “clinging to guns and religion”.  I believe that statement is rooted in a philosophy of anti-freedom and the effort aimed at guns today will move on to religion tomorrow.  Enough intro, here is the excerpt.  Don’t forget to check out the links.

I’m asking you to commit to contacting your two senators and your one representative in the house once a week for eight to 12 weeks. (If your reps are strongly anti-gun, I’ll have advice for you in a minute.) Simple. Easy. Quick. Once a week. Three contacts. For eight to 12 weeks.

The message is simple.

1.  We won’t stand for scapegoating.

2.  No new gun laws.

3.  Remove the phony “gun free” zones which enable killers to go unchecked.

4. Work with us or we will work to retire you.

I’ve worked with a number of smart and experienced people on these “talking points,” and I’m convinced that offering any suggestions to Congress is a recipe for losing. Some have asked me to supply sources of information to back up their counter-arguments to gun control. Honestly, I think that’s a waste of time.

I don’t want to convince them we are right. I want to convince them we will hurt them politically if they vote the wrong way. That’s the way Washington, DC, works. Bare knuckles and 2x4s.

The Democrat party lost control of Congress in 1994 because they voted for the Crime Bill and the “assault weapon” ban. President Clinton said in his 1995 State of the Union address that many lost their seats in Congress by voting for gun control. He was right, and he didn’t care. It didn’t cost him his job.

We must remind both Democrats and Republicans alike that we can and will send them home if they vote for any form of gun control law.

Once a week for . . . oh, call it 12 weeks.

To find the contact info for your elected representatives, visit the NRAILA‘s website (http://nraila.org/get-involved-locally/grassroots/write-your-reps.aspx).

“But I Live In California”

Yep, there’s no point in writing Diane Feinstein. She’s on her way out, and she wants a gun ban as her legacy. So, what to do?

Write Senate president Harry Reid. Tell him 1. Do not let a vote on gun laws come to the floor, and 2.  Do not allow a rule change to allow a filibuster to be ended with a simple majority vote. The latter, you should say, is a vote against gun rights.