The problem with religious organizations. Yes, that means the church.

It is the little things that get us into the biggest trouble.  We live in a broken world, and we are broken ourselves.  The little things grow into big problems because this world and all that is in it is not improving; rather, it is degenerating.  This is happening because it is all broken.  Adam and Eve broke it, and it will remain broken until God is finally done and all is brought back under His authority

Many years ago, I read this in a book, “Nearly a century ago, a French sociologist wrote that every institution’s first goal is to survive and grow, not to undertake the mission it has nominally staked out for itself.”  When I read that, it helped me to understand what I saw going on around me in the Christian organization I was involved with.  Regardless of the lofty and altruistic goals of any organization, without constant restraint and discipline from people, the people will end up serving the organization rather than the organization serving the people.  It happens so often we no longer take note, but it is wrong and it happens because everything is broken.

The book of Judges tells the story of the Israelites living in their land, serving God in their families and tribes and trusting Him for their leadership.  This individual reliance upon God when shared by all produced a culture of reliance upon God that covered the land.  But they too were broken.  Their individual trust turned to individual sin and reliance upon things other than God.  Soon God allowed them to be oppressed by neighbors.  Then they repented, then God would raise up a deliverer and they would live in peace and security, then the whole cycle would start again.

In Samuel, the people cry to God for a king.  It seems they wanted to be like other nations.  God warns them about the weaknesses of kings and kingdoms, but they persist.  When God tells Samuel to anoint their king, he comforts the broken-hearted prophet by telling him that it was not he they have rejected, but God himself.

The small thing is our independent reliance upon God and no one else, every man, woman and child trusting in and being accountable to God.  This idea is so slippery; and because we are broken and lazy, we give our loyalty, our authority, to others who promise in their brokenness to help us with our responsibilities.  Every organization, be it government, labor union, service club or church, must be ruled by the independent, God-reliant people who created it, lest it rule them and destroy them.

We can do it; it’s just a little thing.